by Rachelle!
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people, and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged, and asking them to read your blog.
10 years ago:
I was 13! Not a fun age I might add!
5 things on my todo list today:
Laundry, take Jordyn to preschool, pick up Jordyn, take my girls to the babysitter, and go to work at 5:30! FUN FUN! I dont know if any of this is going to happen! The weather is horrible here!
Things I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:
Pay off debt, build me and westons dream home, give some away to family, put some away for our kids, buy lots of cars and trucks (which we both love!), donate to charity, TRAVEL, and just have FUN!!!
3 of my bad habits:
I pick at my nails when I am nervous, I never leave early enough when I have to be somewhere so then I'm always rushing! I Drink to much Diet Pepsi (need to quit but that's what keeps me goin sometimes!) sad I know......
5 Places I have lived:
Rigby, Lewiston, Logan, Bear Lake, Idaho Falls, and Shelley. (ya I know thats 6)
5 Jobs I have had:
Old Grist Mill in Logan, Quiznos in Idaho Falls, Apple Athletic Club in Idaho Falls, MOM! (best one!), and a waitress at Sizzler! So exciting!
Things most people don't know about me:
I want to restore a classic Ford Mustang by myself (with help from Weston of course) and paint it BRIGHT RED! It's my dream car! I LOVE to sing! I am always singing. In the car, in the shower, while i'm cleaning, basically all day long! I LOVE cheesy musicals! I love anything from the 50's era! Movies, music, cars, decor, and I collect James Dean vintage tin signs! I love anything vintage and anything James Dean! I love RED lipstick! My feet have to be uncovered in order to sleep at night. I LOVE John Travolta! When I am cleaning my house I have to start with the dishes first then work my way from the kitchen to the rest of the house! I am addicted to Downy fabric softener. I cant do my laundry without it. I LOVE to bake, and love cookie dough even though I know that it's not good for me. I want to be a photographer / wedding planner and have my own studio one day. On rainy days I like to go rent chick flicks and be lazy all day! Anyway I could probably go on and on but I'm sure thats even more then you wanted to know!
my pepsi gas pump/ bookshelf!
It's my favorite decoration in
my house!
I tag: Kimmie, Jen, and Mel!
Have fun guys!!